Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Abu Ghraib - The Location, Atmosphere, and Situation at Abu Ghraib by September 2003

  • Before the 372nd Military Police were brought in to Abu Ghraib, resources and supplies had been requested on several occasions for not just Abu Ghraib, but for the other prisons as well.
  • The idea that the prison systems could be restored and the Iraqi guards could be retrained to take over was absolutely absurd. Especially because they wanted it done within 90 day!!!! 
"The 372nd Military Police (MP) Company was trained to support combat  operations." They had receive NO training for what they were about to do.

When the MP drove up on Abu Ghraib one of the first things they were told was to put down their weapons because they wouldn't need them anymore - They were to now be prison guards. The prison was hit on a regular basis and it was said that the road outside the prison was the deadliest road in the world.

*** In July and August the prison population was around one thousand but by September it was over six thousand, and "just short of 300 Military Police."


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