Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The "Hard Site" and the Failure of "Intelligence" at Abu Ghraib

The "hard sites" were places that they were holding the prisoners with intel. In a sense, the high profile prisoners as opposed to the general population. Housed there were also the insane and criminal. "Tier 1A where high security prisoners were kept. Tier 1B housed women and children." There were about 6 or 7 guards guarding about a thousand prisoners in these "hard sites." The MPs in the "hard sites" were being told that the people they were guarding were the worst of the worst and how the information they were going to get would save lives. In several ways these MPs were being manipulated into their positions and given false information. The guards were finding out that most of the detainees "about 80%" did not have any information at all, "they were just guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Intelligence officers were not collecting data at Abu Ghraib. Again, the situation results back to the Americans fighting against those they can not put their finger on. The insurgency was growing but the lack of intelligence about their enemy remained a very frustrating part of the issue.

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